Face Teacher Involvement
Each discipline (band, chorus, general music, etc.) has its own corresponding association. You are considered to be a member of an association by virtue of the fact that you teach that subject in Fairfax County Public Schools in one of these schools. Some of the associations may have dues, some don’t. Send your Chair or President your Home Email so that you can be receive critical information regarding meetings, petitions, communication fan-outs or other actions necessary to mobilize the many diversified constituents of this very large County.
Please make sure you have contacted the leader/s of the discipline that applies to you below with your HOME EMAIL.
FACE Contacts
Band Representative: Patricia Adams, mellomuse@yahoo.com
Orchestra Representative: Kate Bongard, kbongard@gmail.com
Choir Representative: Christen Reddig
General Music Representative: Pam Wilson
Theater Arts Representative: Beth DeMarco
Discipline Organizations:
Band Fairfax County Band Director’s Association (FCBDA)
Choir - Fairfax Choral Directors Association (FCCDA)
General Music - Fairfax General Music Educators Association (FGMEA)
Orchestra - Fairfax Orchestra Directors Association (FODA)
Theatre Arts - Theatre Arts Directors Association (TADA)
What Educators Need To Do:
Go to Meetings
PTA, School Board, Board of Supervisors, Your Association, etc;
Use the calendar that is a part of the website for many of the dates;
Inform colleagues of important dates and facts.
Inform your Boosters, Band Boosters, Choral Boosters, Orchestra Boosters, Drama Boosters, etc. that these cuts are seriously being considered by those that make these decisions.
Communicate information about these key meetings throughout your pyramids and across pyramids through compliant with FCPS regulations.
Please send sample letters, e-mails and faxes to the General Face Email. We will post them on this site.
Handing out Postcards, Flyers and Leaflets at music events
This task will uniquely be tasked to parents and students because FCPS employees will not be allowed to do this.
Recruit Speakers for School Board and Board of Supervisor Budget Hearings
Fairfax County is an amazing resource of influencial speakers whose children are involved in our Performing Arts groups. We need you to represent us at School Board Meetings and Public Hearings – See the Calendar.
Organize and Assemble large groups of supporters to Attend School Board and Board of Supervisor Hearings, Meetings, Town Hall Dialogs
We have to take the time to gather at Public Hearings and School Board Meetings – Even if you Don’t Speak at it! Strength in numbers! It would be great if we could coordinate with the same T-Shirt
Email, fax, phone call and letter writing campaigns
The Leadership of FCPS is waiting to see who is stepping up to be heard!
Please sign our Petitions! It is an easy way to contribute and there is strength in numbers.
Teacher/Employee Advocacy Guidelines
The following statement is from past FCPS Superintendent Karen Garza's office regarding Guidelines on Campaigns and Budget Advocacy
The same guidelines that exist for Political Campaigns can be followed on budget advocacy . No employee may use FCPS resources to advocate for or against the budget. This includes using their school email account. They can use their own personal/home emails, write letters to newspapers, consult their representatives, and engage in other advocacy—so long as they do so on their own time, with their own resources.Employees are allowed to answer factual budget questions from the public and convey factual information about the budget cuts. For complete details regarding proper procedure for class discussions, distribution of literature, please click on the following link: FCPS Policies Concerning the Conduct of Political Campaigns.