How Supporters can help:
Email, fax, phone call and Letter Writing campaigns.
Each family needs to contact your School Board Representative, Board of Supervisors, Your Elected Official
Inform Supporters of Important Dates and Facts
We need Music Supporters to spread the word. Please send Sample Letters, Emails and Faxes to the General Face Email. We will post them on this Site.
Hand out Postcards, Flyers and Leaflets at music events
This task will uniquely be tasked to parents and students.
Recruit Speakers for School Board and Board of Supervisor Budget Hearings
Fairfax County is an amazing resource of influencial speakers whose children are involved in our Performing Arts groups. We need you to represent us at School Board Meetings and Public Hearings – See the Calendar.
Please sign our Petitions! It is an easy way to contribute and there is strength in numbers.